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Products & Services



Hardcat is a world-class company specializing in the provision of asset management solutions to an international client base of private and public sector organizations since 1981. Introduced to the UK in 1990 and now with distribution spanning the globe.

The Hardcat discovered a fixed asset management, method that would turn asset auditing into a fast and error-free process. It would distribute depreciation, budgeting, and maintenance information across the administration, management, finance, and IT departments. Staff could then be better utilized on more valuable, service-oriented tasks, assets can be used more productively, and auditing can be done accurately almost on a daily bases. Management would also be able to make more informed decisions, while also enjoying reduced operational costs.



Nexus is the most advanced in professional practice management software aiming at all professional firms include legal, CPA, consulting, or any other companies whose businesses rely on quality services to clients on a timely manner. Just to highlight Nexus's capabilities, they include Address Book, Accounting, Matter, System Manager, Time Costing and Billing.

Nexus is entirely based on popular Microsoft technology. The front end client is a full 32-bit application that runs on Microsoft Windows 95 and above, while the back-end server supports Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and above. Using ODBC technology, Nexus supports the most popular database-MS-SQLserver.

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